EAR HEAR HEARD — MAKING LINKSLink the words ear, hear and heard for spelling instruction and decoding practice.
What's the deal with queue?The word queue has a strange spelling and an interesting story to tell. The word has four vowels in a row that don't look as if they do...
Why does Q almost always go with U? When teaching letters and sounds, a quick story about the 'why' can engage and enthuse most students. Why does Q almost always go with U?...
HAPPY FAMILIESWe love playing Uno with our disCARD packs. To mix it up in the clinic, we also play other games.
WHAT IS DECODING?Teaching how to decode is crucial—gentle advice for the classroom and home. Grab the free resources, too!
LEARNING TO READMany components have to come together for reading to happen. For many, learning to read starts at school. A knowledgeable teacher, enough...
MINI PHONICS ACTIVITY BOOKSThe digraph mini activity books are a great tool for instruction to motivate and engage. They are bite-sized activities to use after...
LEARNING HOW TO READLearning to read, how did you do it? Chances are, until you had a child start school, the thought never crossed your mind… If your child...